Buddha Krishna to pierce tongue for sixth time

Buddha Krishna Baga Shrestha will pierce his tongue tomorrow for the sixth time during the famous tongue piercing festival at Bode, Madhyapur Thimi.
The tongue piercing festival is celebrated on the second day of the Nepali New Year, as a part of Bisket Jatra celebrated only in Bhaktapur district. Baga Shrestha, 46, had volunteered to get his tongue pierced from 2005 to 2008 and last year.
Before him Juju Bhai Basan Shrestha volunteered for the same for eight consecutive years.
According to cultural expert Lochan Shrestha, only the locals of Bode from Shrestha family can volunteer to get their tongue pierced. “Around one foot long needle, which is soaked in oil for one month is pierced through the tongue of the volunteer,” he said. The devotee then takes a trip across the town. The devotee needs to fast for three days before participating in the event. It is believed that performing the jatra brings wealth and prosperity to the locals, and prevents famine and natural disasters like earthquake.
Although the festival is being celebrated from ancient time in the town, they only have records of volunteers of the last 100 years. It is recorded that Harka Narsingh Shrestha was the first man who volunteered to get his tongue pierced. He got his tongue pierced during the festival for 22 consecutive years. Guthi Sansthan and Madhyapur Thimi Municipality have provided Rs 100,000 for organising the jatra.